02 March 2011

Racism here in Singapore

Racism exists everywhere and I believe that there is no way racism would ever disappear. There is bound to be racial inequality no matter what place, what time. Even at a playground, or on a bus, or at an convention, there are people who discriminate other races, it is just whether they display it physically or just mentally.

On the bus especially, there are seats where 2 people sit together. Sometimes, I witness that just because a person is not of the same skin colour as us, they do not sit together. I am not sure whether the same happens in other countries, but I think a high chance it is, and Singapore is no exception.

On the whole, though we cannot eliminate racism, we can however, try to minimize it as far as possible so that the community and society would be fair to those who are presently racial discriminated.

(Term 1 Post #10)

Hwa Chong Institution Annual Cross-country 2011

This year's cross-country run was held on 23rd February 2011. An increase of 600m, we had to run 3.6km this year. These were one of the days where we could come in PE attire. After putting on our tags and doing a quick warm up, we waited for what seemed like a day, but was only 45 mins. Finally, we proceeded to the starting mark. What I thought was unfair was that 2 other consortiums started 30m ahead of us because they came down later. I hope that next year it would be more equal. So we started off after the horn. One thing I realised after years of running, even if I sprinted in the start or not, it did not really matter because in the end I would end up equally tired. So I took a head start in the mass run. When I reached the carpark, I saw a few of my classmates competing in the race sprinting down the slope. I stretched out hi-fives and gave each other encouragements. Soon after, I approached the boarding school. It was my first time entering boarding school and I found out that it was really big. Then I grabbed a bottle of NEWater and drank a few sips before running off again. After exiting boarding school, I made a turn back into the driveway. Last year it was more interseting when the route took us out of school. But this year, they changed it back to up and down the driveway again. So up I went, round the carpark and down, and then onto the track. I made short goals as advised by my teacher, and finally near the finishing point, I dashed to the end without stopping. Tired and sweaty, I plodded myself towards the water cooler.

After the run, we wanted to buy some can drinks but it was sold out. Luckily, the Milo van came and hordes of people rushed towards the van. We noticed later, so it was already crowded when we got there. I took the first 2 cups after a long struggle through the crowd, and then after seeing Jerry using some strategy (taking Milo from the side of the van), I managed to take some Milo more effectively, and even helped Ming Chin take some :DD

I had a very good experience that day as it tested my endurance and trained my physical abilities. I cannot wait for next year where I would have such exciting experiences again!

(Term 1 Post #9)

Reflections on Term 1 Language Arts Test

Just after the test ended, I felt that I had used better language than I had used in all my previous writings. I had created better suspension by using various methods like dialogue. However, I think that my content was not that good because though I had mentioned compromise, much of the story was not about it. Thus I hope that in the next narratiove writing, I can incorporate even more descriptive language into the essay and also stick more closely to the question.

(Term 1 Post #8)