16 August 2011

My View on Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is how much you believe someone's stand and viewpoint and whether you trust that it is true. Trustworthiness of a person depends on a few factors.

Firstly, whether a person can be trustworthy depends on his confidence. If a person start stammering while trying to convey his message, people will lose their trust in him because he does not sound convincing enough. Losing confidence means that he will start to fidget around and maybe start to stammer. By not being confident, the person shows that he himself does not strongly believe in his argument, so how can he even expect other people to believe him?

Next, whether his argument is logical. No one can believe someone when he says something that is illogical. It will sound contradictory and his argument will most likely fall apart. It will also not make sense to the people who are listening to him and not long later they will get confused. This is going to make his statements not convincing.

Following that, it is best to provide concrete examples like figures and data to support the argument. This will make it more easy to believe the statements. It also proves that the arguments made are true. A good critical thinker however, will know that the data provided will only be one-sided and not to believe the argument solely on the examples given.

These three factors are what determines the trustworthiness of an article. Of course there are more than these three, but these are the basic ones.

Shao Xuan
(Term 3 Post #3)

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