14 February 2011

An incident that I was in a group that was unkind to a someone

During primary school (when we were still immature), we had simple thoughts on these and those stuff. We were very subjective however, most of the time judging people by their first impression. There was one incident which led to us boycotting a classmate.

Then, we were in Primary 5. The classmate had already been with us for 1 year, but then we did not take much notice about him, until that year where he started to become irritating. He became more unhygenic and started to pester people. This led to the female classmates and selected males (including me) leaving that person alone.

The next year he became better and we came to our senses and tried to stop the ignoring and then we finally got along together again. So, what I learnt from this incident is that we should not ignore one person because he has weird qualites or something alike but try to understand that person better. I think that will make the society more friendly.

(Term 1 Post #2)

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