01 May 2011

Types of Expository Essays

In my primary school days, writing was as simple as narratives. I had heard of expository as another form of essay in areas such as comprehension exercises, but never would I have detected a pattern amongst different types of expository. Term 2 2011, I have learnt the different types of expository and what to look out for when writing them.

Analogical Essay
The analogical essay is when we describe a factor and use another to support the main factor. It compares the supporting factor alongside to the main factor. It finds common elements of both factors. This type of essay can be used for almost anything so long as the writer can find two points that are different, but in a way, related.

Cause and Effect Essay
This type of essay describes the reasons and the results of a particular action. It is mostly used in physics and chemistry science as it describes the changes when something is done to the experiment. There are 3 subdivisions of this essay: multiple causes for one effect, one cause for multiple effects or a domino chain. The first describes the causes, the second describes the effects and the last, a chain of events that are caused by the previous.

Classification Essay
Classification essays basically state a general topic and provide all the examples under the topic. This actually is a classification essay on its own. It states how it is going to classify in the essay in the first paragraph then goes on to classify the points. Most of the time the writer classifies the factors according to characteristics of the factor.

Compare and Contrast Essay
Each paragraph in this type of essay is to describe not only the differences but the similarities of two different aspects. Many of these types of essays are poorly written because of their wrong structure. The following comparison is not supposed to be mentioned in the previous one, and so is always wrong. We use compare and contrast essays when we want to take opinion on a decision.

Processing Essay
Found in scientific writing, a processing essay is used to describe how to do a something or how a thing is done. It is described using the "what", "when", "which", "why", most importantly "how" and the less used "who". Definitions and processes are both described in the essay. Also, transition words are used most often in this type of essay as they describe the time and sequence of the process.

Example Essay
The final essay is the example essay, where the main support is given examples and statistics in every paragraph. This is better written as a short essay as if it is too long it would probably be boring. It can make a clear argument though it is simple, and can be very persuasive.

When we write our expository essays, we have to identify exactly which type of essay the question is prompting us to write, and if not, we would possibly go off course and leave the main topic. Thus it is very important to decide what essay it is.

(Term 2 Post #2)

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